Carolines Treasures Dog House Collection Dachshund Black Tan Indoor or Outdoor Mat 18×27 BB2886MAT 18 x 27 Multicolor
Carolines Treasures Dog House Collection Dachshund Black Tan Indoor or Outdoor Mat 18×27 BB2886MAT 18 x 27 Multicolor
Carolines Treasures Dog House Collection Dachshund Black Tan Indoor or Outdoor Mat 18×27 BB2886MAT 18 x 27 Multicolor DescriptionINDOOR / OUTDOOR FLOOR MAT 18 inch by 27 inch Action Back Felt Floor Mat / Carpet / Rug that is Made and Printed in the USA. A Black binding tape is sewn around the mat for durability and to nicely frame the artwork. The mat has been permenantly dyed for moderate traffic and can be placed inside or out (only under a covered space). Durable and fade resistant. The back of the mat is rubber backed to keep the mat from slipping on a smooth floor. Wash with soap & water.
stół ogrodowy dębowy, meble łazienkowe tanio, domek grafika, drewniane lozka, nowoczesne biurko komputerowe, mechanizm łóżka w szafie, umywalka z szafką wiszącą, łóżko angel, meble do garderoby, stół rozkładany z krzesłami do kuchni, meble senegal, wypoczynek ludwik, skrzynia biała drewniana, biurko narożne białe, ikea meble mlodziezowe, wymiary tv 50 cali, umywalka 120 z szafką, dom w stylu skandynawskim wnętrze, meble tapicerowane zielona góra, biurk