Carolines Treasures 7347JMAT Fawn Boxer Indoor or Outdoor Mat, 24 x 36, Multicolor
Carolines Treasures 7347JMAT Fawn Boxer Indoor or Outdoor Mat, 24 x 36, Multicolor
Carolines Treasures 7347JMAT Fawn Boxer Indoor or Outdoor Mat, 24 x 36, Multicolor DescriptionColorful Absorbant Sandstone Car Coasters. Set of 2 with this design. Both coasters measure 2 1/2 inches in diameter and are a little over 1/4 inch high. Make a statement in your vehicle about your personality and keep the water from making a big mess when your drink starts to melt. Make sure to take your drink with you when you leave your vehicle and leave your coaster!
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